Boeing B-29 by Ben Skipper review

FlightCraft 29 from Pen & Sword

Rather appropriately number 29 in the FlightCraft series from Pen & Sword, author Ben Skipper has tured his attention to the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. A 96-page soft-cover book in the now standard layout for this popular series of books for modellers.

Given the constraints of the series format, I think Ben has done a fine job of fitting everything in to this latest addition to the FlightCraft series and I am confident that aircraft modellers will enjoy it and find some ideas and inspiration for their own B-29 builds, in whichever scale you prefer.

Ben Skipper's Book Bibliography
As well as leading the Adjutants Lounge, Ben has written over 250 articles on art, military, aviation, social and rural themes. He started writing during his service with the Royal Air Force and has since completed the prestigious British Guild of Agricultural Journalists John Deere Agricultural Journalism Training Award, finishing as an Honour Roll Stu…