How many times do the Russians mention Jews at Nazi trials?

Ranty rant

I sometimes rant about the Russian appropriation of Nazi atrocities in order to make the rodina and Russians the real victims of World War Two, including sidelining Jews and non-Russian Slavs (Roma, homosexuals as well including others!).

This is a necessary myth for Russians. They think they bore the real pain of the war and won it without any help. Anybody who opposes Russia or criticizes Russian history or its myths is therefore a Nazi, as I will be called in the future. Despite my grandfather being in four concentration camps.

I think the crime of aggression for Russia is an unnecessary distraction in this war and I find the quoting of nonsense about how all other crimes stem from the crime of aggression - at best dismissive of genocide and other atrocities. Not every war of aggression descends into genocide and atrocities. And some wars are waged FOR GENOCIDE. Like the Nazi war on Poland. Which Russia joined. For genocide. The want for genocide caused the war!

Charge of war of aggression in Ukraine invasion
I’d like to present some rambling thoughts about the concept of war of aggression as it was conceived and in the current context. There’s more on this in my draft for the upcoming book. I would argue that the concept of war of aggression (crimes against peace) was heavily developed during WW2 primarily by Soviet pseudo-lawyers to frame the Second World …
Hitler Ally Day
A quick post because this is a subject that has been covered by infinitely more competent writers than I. I however feel could write a mediocre book on the subject off the top of my head. One of the most important steps towards World War 2 was the forging of an alliance between two genocidal regimes - Nazi Germany and the USSR, a Russian empire dressed u…

I’ll admit I find quoting Russian legal murderers infuriating. Yes I know others had formulated the crime of aggression as a legal concept before the Moscow School of Show Trials, Rafael Lemkin perhaps wrote the first provision of law in the world to criminalize propaganda supporting the crime of aggression.2

The Russians even bamboozled US Justice Jackson at Nuremberg:

But it was the Russians who propagated the idea to make rodina the victim. Genocide was a concept already articulated by Lemkin by the time of Nuremberg and Hersch Lauterpacht had worked on crimes of humanity. The Soviet Russian legal murderers displaced these titans of law with their legal nonsense.

I’ve mentioned appropriation before.

Greg Dawson calls it Alice-in-Wonderland determined white-brushing of Jews in the context of Krasnodar/Kharkiv trials in 1943 and subsequenta trials .4

If you want to find the perfect example and evidwnce of this in practice - read this

The People's Verdict : A Full Report Of The Proceedings At The Krasnodar and Kharkov German Atrocity Trials

Its 142 pages long and gives a very edited report on the first major war crime trials during World War Two - against Nazis (Kharkiv) and Soviet traitors (both). ‘Verbatim reports’ via highly staged trials. The Kharkiv one took place in the city Opera House which had been used as a SS HQ. I need to dig into how Hutchinson got the ‘verbatim reports’.

We are reading scripts. The defendants were tortured and terrified into testifying against themselves or raising a defense - Soviet Russia justice that we see and will see repeated in occupied Ukraine. Don’t get me wrong, these were Nazi murderers who deserved to hang - but they got Soviet justice. Goring wasn’t tortured at Nuremberg and the Soviet lawyer murderers were appalled that an actual ‘trial’ with due process occurred. Those Soviet lawyer murderers penned the indictments over the crime of aggression - of which the majority of war criminals at Nuremberg were acquitted because while they had committed atrocities and deserved to die or life imprisonment at best (including Krupp who somehow got his dad indicted and Von Braun who tortured my grandfather) - they had nothing to do with the planning of the war. This was Soviet conspiracy nonsense.

Back to the subject - 142 pages.

How many times does the word Jew, in any form (Jews/Jewish) appear over 142 ‘verbatim’ pages?

Three times.

Twice in one paragraph.

So let’s call it twice.


Go through the text and see how everything is framed against crimes against the Soviet. The rodina. Even ghettos become forced displacement of Soviet citizens (Russians…)

That’s your foundational text and (Russian) raison d’etre for the ‘crime of crimes’ at Nuremberg. Crimes against the Soviets.

Crimes that the Soviet Russians had committed first against Poland, then Finland and the Balts.

Forgive me, I don’t think the crime of aggression was or is the crime of crimes.

That’s genocide.

Thanks for reading.

PS Yes I know I am an evil Pole for conflating glorious Soviet Union of Socialist Republics with Russia. Totally different things except when everybody during the Cold War and before knew the truth. And the Russians claim all the glory of the USSR. You got me there, tankie!

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  1. Nathalie Moine et John Angell, « Defining “war crimes against humanity” in the Soviet Union », Cahiers du monde russe, 52/2-3 | 2011, 441-473.

  2. In the 1934 Polish Criminal Code, Kodeks Makariewicza - Douglas Irvin-Erickson, Raphael Lemkin and the Concept of Genocide (Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010), 40-41. Covered in my chapters plus many good works I quote!

  3. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression (Washington: United States Government Print. Off., 1948)

  4.  Greg Dawson, Judgment before Nuremberg: The Holocaust in the Ukraine and the First Nazi War Crimes Trial (New York: Pegasus Books, 2012)