One year of Fallout! Week 52 roundup.


Fallout was started with two articles written during a time of trauma for me. I would write more on this but can’t.

Russian Embassy demands war crimes, Twitter doesn't mind (Drunk ambassador and nuke threat updates)
It took Twitter until January 8th 2021 to permanently suspend President Donald Trump. The platform had arguably propelled him to the presidency and was his basic form of communicating with his supporters and opponents during his election run and then the presidency. The Capitol Riots of 6th January 2021 were a belated wake-up call for Twitter. According…
International Criminal Court jurisdiction for crimes in Ukraine
I’ve been listening to quite a few podcasts over spring and summer plus reading a lot in relation to the genocidal war Russia is waging in Ukraine (future posts will be about my qualification of the war as genocidal). A fundamental mistake being made time and time again in audio and print is about the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) jurisdiction.

Some very good things came of Fallout and hopefully this year will be bigger.

Frederick the Jerk

I’m reading this!

Russians and Germans always have had a sick fascination with each other and unfortunately their love hate relationship means the Balts, Poles, Belarussians and Ukrainians get conscripted, raped, pillaged and murdered in their wars.

Tweet of the week

Speaking of imperial Germans and imperial Russians.

Thanks for the info Marck!

Who could have known it’s like Kursk?

Video of the week

Terry Funk ain’t drinking beer with Prigozhin because Prigozhin is in hell and Funk is in Valhalla.

Good news from Nick

And I’m exhausted and off to write defense speeches.

Because I am a lawyer, after all.