Podcasts, videos, books and tweets of the week 43

Exhausting weekend

The grifter and imbecile analyst crowd were hard at work since Friday, showing how they lack the knowledge to know they know nothing.

When the shi* goes down, ya better be ready

Once we finished pointing and laughing at the Russians, we now have to point and laugh at the analysts.

Including this pile of stinking nonsense. From a Russian.

Which is the slightly more intellectually worded version of a babcia on a park bench making up a story about the president.

There is zero evidence here. Just made up.

Video of the week

Spaghetti Kozak makes fun of the nonsense.

Book of the week

Dr Matt Ford has been making fun of the analysts and pointing how social media makes discourse a self-selecting stream nonsense.

I remember him being worried in 2022 that his book which was just coming out would be obsolete or proven wrong by the war. It hasn’t.

Our book is also coming soon.

Budd of the week

Final comment

Only a fool hoped Russia would descend into blood civil war. It might have given Ukraine temporary respite. But after the war, the new tsar, Prigozhin, Navalny or Abramovich, would wage bloody genocide war against Ukrainians, Poles, Belarussians and Caucasians. Yes, it is genocide war now against Ukraine, I (we) called it that before Bucha. But its bullets and shells genocide. Not yet ovens and nukes. Those would come out of a Russian civil war. The Holodomor and World War 2, with Russian genocide and enabling of Nazi genocide, were born out of the Russian Civil War.