Podcasts, videos, books and tweets of the week 37

Social media toxicity

The Nazis are strong.

His Twitter name refers to the Volkischer Boebachter, a very prominent Nazi mouthpiece. Because he’s a Nazi. Like all the AdF electorate. And plenty of them complain about Soviet flags in Berlin to do equivalence and minimize Nazi crimes and the Holocaust. Slavs can complain about Soviet flags. Not Germans.

Reported him to the German Federal Police.

Dedicated to all the Nazis, right wing idiots and Punisher cops who don’t realize he isn’t a hero.

And Ukrainian soldiers don’t need to rock him, he’s a favorite of fascists around the world.

Speaking of Trump voters, the South wasn’t (and isn’t) all traitors and murderous enslaving racists

Finished this book

The beginning is bad, chaotic and generally jumps in time in a way that almost made me stop reading but it gets betters as it goes along. It describes the decay setting in in Poland in the 1970s which led to the Solidarity. It isn’t the usual right wing post office purchase hate filled revisionism that somehow tries to turn the minor figures of the Kaczynski twins into Poland’s greatest heroes. Has a balanced view of the stupid, cruel and corrupt communists who ruled Poland who often acted in terrible fear of the even more stupid, cruel and corrupt rulers of Soviet Russia. I don’t think there’s an English text of a very Polish book written for Poles but…

Junglist massive

I’m cutting down on Twitter because it’s bad for my mental health.

What is good for my mental health is this.

Speaking of books