Podcasts, videos, books and tweets of the week 80

Another two years of victory like this and Ukraine will be lost

Remember when the Russians lost the war almost exactly two years ago?

Those dummies can’t win a war

Maybe build one of these in case the Russians come

Or build one of these to fight back

Dune, a great book

On Færie-Stories—like Frank Herbert's "Dune"—Derived from Agrarian-Age Roots
Dune is a great movie! & "Dune" is a great book! But—highly problematic. Even so, I do not believe we should worry & care—all that much...

A terrible story

Why Do We Doubt That Hamas Raped Israeli Women?
Fearless reporting, a behind-the-curtains look at how journalism is made — and an unabashed point of view. Welcome to Chills.

American fascists for the win

Fritz brings his study into the fascistic history of the American Legion to a temporary close with a look at their colorful interwar career, including involvement in a couple of whacky coup plots!

Our book is still out

Phil has a new book coming out soon