Talentless hack hired by murder regime

Worse than Arnold Rimmer

Zimmer, the less talented cousin to Arthur Rimmer has been hired by planet murderers.1

Zimmer needs more money like I need more Nazis in Germany, but he didn’t get rich by having ethics (or talent) but by turning out musical dross that is only matched by the Christopher Nolan celluloid blue drenched dross that it accompanies.

And screw you WWE for your greatest ever royal humble.2

Some ‘inspirations’

Tomorrow the oil runs out and we will still be a hole in the desert!

Another peace loving regime that respected dissidents, minorities, foreigners and homosexuals!

Just change the words a little - Chop Chop (My Crown Prince Chopped Me Down)

Killing In The Name Of The Crown Prince!

Maybe another planet killing regime paying for genocide wars with fossil fues can inspire us!

Darth Clown Prince meets Kubrick

PS Rimmer and Zimmer → Saudi Arabia, the clown show that is this

and thinks its this

And finally it won’t be this song3

  1. See later on

  2. Iranian make you humble!

  3. Not a fan of MJ