The Adjutants Lounge Video

Letters to Putin Pt 2.

Welcome to the next instalment of the Adjutants lounge, where you can listen to our ramblings and see the Fallout Triumvirate in all its technicolour glory.

This week Phil and Ben are joined by Dustin, fresh from his recent visit to Ukraine. We also discuss the similarities to the current Russian war of attrition, which echoes Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan. OSINT, unfounded fear and NATOs current defence capacity.

The Adjutants Lounge, unwittingly leading the conversation.

(Talk for yourself Ben! Dustin)

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The audio version can be found here:

The Adjutants Lounge
Listen now (58 min) | Welcome to the next instalment of the Adjutants lounge, where you can listen to the ramblings from the Fallout Triumvirate. This week Phil and Ben are joined by Dustin, fresh from his recent visit to Ukraine. We also discuss the similarities to the current Russian war of attrition, which echoes Winfield Scott’s Anaconda Plan. OSINT, unfounded fear and NA…