The Pope said what?

"And were reportedly eaten by dogs after their death. "

As part of dumping NaXi central, I’ve got a Bluesky account, thank you Jenny Grant!

Speaking of Nazis, I initially thought we got worked by Russian propaganda.

Original (not saying it was MacKay, he repeated what others had posted, as did I and Ian Garner).

Transcript of what Pope said according to the Vatican English version.

Sumlenny posted this. First thing would be to give the link to the official message (he does later)

I checked the Vatican page and it didn’t say this empire nonsense.


This is the loyal Catholics of Putinland page. Part of the Catholic Church but Russian.


Before the blessing, the Holy Father concluded the meeting with the following words: “Never forget your heritage. You are the heirs of great Russia: great Russia of saints, rulers, great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, that empire - great, enlightened, [country] of great culture and great humanity. Never give up this legacy, you are the heirs of the great Mother Russia, go ahead with it. And thank you. Thank you for your way of being, for your way of being Russians.”

The Church edited this text. Either the Vatican or the Moscow Russian.

Of course maybe the Russian branch of the Catholic Church, which is thoroughly controlled by the KGB, sorry FSB, inserted this text.

So some Catholics lied. Which ones, doesn’t really matter.

Because of a lack of sourcing (lazy Sumlenny and others), people don’t know what happened or are confused.

Shame on the Pope and the Church above all.

This one of Catherine’s genocides.


During the Russo-Circassian War, the Russian Empire employed a genocidal strategy of massacring Circassian civilians. Only a small percentage who accepted Russification and resettlement within the Russian Empire were completely spared. The remaining Circassian population who refused were variously dispersed or killed en masse. Circassian villages would be located and burnt, systematically starved, or their entire population massacred. Leo Tolstoy reported that Russian soldiers would attack village houses at night. William Palgrave, a British diplomat who witnessed the events, adds that "their only crime was not being Russian". In 1864, "A Petition from Circassian leaders to Her Majesty Queen Victoria" was signed by the Circassians requesting humanitarian aid from the British Empire. In the same year, mass deportation was launched against the surviving population before the end of the war in 1864 and it was mostly completed by 1867. Some died from epidemics or starvation among the crowds of deportees and were reportedly eaten by dogs after their death. Others died when the ships underway sank during storms.